Tuesday, August 2, 2011

My Thoughts On President Obama's Leadership Failure Utilizing His Own Words...

In March of 2006, during the middle of the 2nd Term of the Bush (43) Administration, The U.S. House, The U.S. Congress and The U.S. President were in debates about the need to raise the Debt Ceiling. President George W. Bush was wanting the increase, but there was opposition from the other side. Then Senator Barrack Hussein Obama made the following statement and I quote:  

“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government can not pay its own bills.. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government's reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America 's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that, 'the buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.” -- Senator Barack H. Obama, March 2006
I personally agree with this statement by Senator Obama!

He specifies clearly in his above statement what criteria HE uses in order to determine that a President's leadership has FAILED. And as I've already stated, I agree with him.

When America has to Raise her Debt Limit as she has been doing and has just done so again... There's LEADERSHIP FAILURE!
When the U.S. Government cannot pay her own bills with her own Funding... There's LEADERSHIP FAILURE!
When the United States of America is dependent upon the Financial Assistance from Foreign Governments to finance her own Government's RECKLESS FISCAL POLICIES... There's LEADERSHIP FAILURE!
When the Government increases America's debt, thereby weakening us both domestically and internationally... There's LEADERSHIP FAILURE!
When the Elected Leaders in Washington forget that 'The Buck Stops Here' and instead shift the burden of THEIR Bad Choices onto the backs of our children and grandchildren... There's LEADERSHIP FAILURE!

America certainly does have a Debt Problem and Americans do Deserve Better!

Mr. Obama, thank you for giving us a clear definition of what it means to have LEADERSHIP FAILURE. I must agree, there were definitely some areas in the previous administration where there was clearly LEADERSHIP FAILURE and the area of our Fiscal well-being was certainly one of them. However, based upon your own statement and definition of LEADERSHIP FAILURE, YOU, SIR, have by far attained the status of the WORST LEADERSHIP FAILURE in our Nation's History! You have created more debt than any previous President from George Washington to George W. Bush... You have devalued the American Dollar further than anyone else before you... You have done nothing but shift blame continually for our nation's woes and you still fail to take on the responsibility of your office... You now have our nation on the brink of losing our AAA Credit Status in the world, which will not only further devastate our national economy, but it will have a global effect...
Therefore, utilizing your own words to judge your Leadership as the President of the United States of America and based upon your record as President, you have clearly FAILED to utilize proper LEADERSHIP thus far. And as previously stated, I must say that I agree with your Judgement call on this one.

In 2011 America, it's not only our Fiscal Integrity that is rapidly being stripped away, but there is also tragically for all of us a massive deficit of Personal and Professional Integrity among our elected Leaders.

Pray for America! Pray for our Leaders to walk in the Will of God! Pray for your families and draw near unto God! No matter how much things change in this Country, remember God is still God... He's still in control... He's still faithful... And He'll still take care of His own...

God blessed America! Now, it's time for America to bless God!

Pastor Robbie Bankens
Petal, Mississippi
August 2, 2011

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Unsegregated Family of God

Galatians 4:26 – 28 (I've Placed My Own Commentary of This Scripture in Parenthesis):

26 For you are all the Children of God by Faith in Christ Jesus. (Of course, the Apostle Paul is speaking exclusively to Christians here, namely those at the Church of Galatia, but extensively to all Christians who would come after as well.)
27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ (In other words, if you’re saved, then you are robed in Christ and you are no longer your own, but you are His).
28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for you are all one in Christ Jesus. (This proclaims the fact that to we who are in Christ, there is absolutely no Racism! No Classism!  No Sexism!)

As I have been stating, proclaiming, preaching and teaching for a long time, there is absolutely no room for Racism, Racial Segregation or Prejudice within the Body of Christ!  We are ALL robed in Christ, not skin color, whether it’s black, white, brown, olive or red.  It matters not!  As children of God, who are in Christ Jesus, we are now all of one Family, (God’s Family), of one body, (The Body of Christ), and of one Race, (The Human Race).

Revelation 5:9
And they sang a new song, saying:
"You are worthy to take the scroll, And to open its seals; For You were slain, And have redeemed us to God by Your blood out of EVERY Tribe and Tongue and People and Nation…”

This is the scene around the throne of the Lord Jesus Christ after the Church is called up to Heaven.  Notice that the congregation round about the throne is much different than many Christian Churches today.  We see here that there is absolutely no hint of Racial Segregation in Heaven.  For they have been redeemed from EVERY Tribe, EVERY Tongue, EVERY People and EVERY Nation upon the face of the Earth!

If you call yourself a Christian and you feel like you have the right to propagate Racial Segregation, then I must tell you that you are wrong!  Regardless of what you may call it or what you may give as your reason for feeling that way, the bottom line is that it is rooted in Pride, Self-Righteousness and Prejudice. 

Racism is not a trait that comes natural at birth.  Racism is taught and instilled within the heart of a child and here in the Deep South that I love and have proudly called my home for 43 years, it has been instilled within hearts of young people who grow to be old people, for generation after generation.  It’s not been instilled within the hearts of merely one race, but it’s been taught to children of all races.

If you are a member of the body of Christ and you have Racism in your heart, then your Racism will cause you to be a cancer on the body of Christ.  Because as a member of His body, when you are against another member of His body, you are acting just as a cancer cell would within a human body.  Cancer cells within the human body, attack other cells, thereby killing and destroying the body.  That’s exactly how Racism works within the body of Christ.  That’s why Racism must be excised from the hearts of the members of His body. 

As the body of Christ, regardless of what the pigmentation of your skin may be, I appeal to you to search your heart and should there be any trace of Racial bigotry, hatred or prejudice within you, ask God to replace that with the eyes of Christ and to give you His love for all people, whether they love you in return or not.  Agape Love, the Love of God, is a selfless, unconditional love and it loves even when it’s not returned.

The Bible says that Judgment begins at the House of God.  Therefore, before we can help turn someone else away from their sin, we must first examine ourselves and get our own hearts right.  Stop pointing the finger at someone else and saying things like, “Well, there’ll never be Racial healing, because that other Race don’t want it.”  If that be the case, then it will be between them and God.  We, as Christians must get our own hearts right.  I can’t control how others feel…  I can’t control how others love…  I can’t control whether or not someone will choose to discriminate against me because of my race…  But I can submit MY heart unto the Lord and through the power of the Blood of Jesus, give the Holy Spirit latitude to work within my life and share that Agape Love of Christ even when it’s not returned.

I’m just thinkin’ out loud tonight and thought I’d share…  My words may sting, but aren’t meant to harm.  I speak this in love…  

May the love of God dwell within your heart always…  I love you all…
Pastor Robbie Bankens

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Americans - Read The Handwriting On The Wall...

I am no prophet, by any definition of the word, but I do have some very clear understanding of End Time Events, according to Scripture and as well, I make it a point to educate myself daily through news agencies from around the world as to ...what is happening.

I believe with all of my heart in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church. I'm not posting that to debate with anyone about it. But I believe that the Bible clearly spells that out for us. I also believe, based upon Scripture such as the Words of Jesus in Matthew 24... I believe that we are living in the Last Days prior to Christ's Return, which tells me that the 7 Year Tribulation Period is very near, even at the door. Jesus said that we wouldn't know the hour, nor the day, but we would know when it was near, based upon the clear and evident signs in our world. Those signs are hear and have never converged in unison with such force as they are now. The bottom line is that I'm looking for Jesus at any moment. I believe that the catching away of His church is so very soon.

However, I still don't know how long we'll be here before He comes and I also don't know how bad things are going to get prior to His calling us out of here.

I can clearly see, as should anyone who has their eyes wide open be able to see, that what is taking place in the world is about to change our way of life to a degree in which I don't think we can really comprehend yet. I pray that I'm wrong, but I don't believe that I am.

Crude Oil is what keeps this giant nation and economy running. Without a steady flow of Oil, we will grind to a halt quickly. We are sitting on some of the largest Oil deposits in the world, but because of the Environmental extremists in this country and the liberal left, we have sat by and allowed absolutely no drilling in these vast sources. We've built no new refineries in decades. Obama has devastated our Oil Industry even more since the Gulf Oil Spill.

Therefore, we are completely dependent upon the Oil Rich Countries of the world, mostly Arabs, which hate us. We have been making our enemies richer and richer for decades. Our currency is now nearly worthless and will be completely worthless very soon.

But right now, with our economy in shambles... We are by all definitions, Bankrupt... Our military is spread thinly all around the world, with 2 wars being fought in the Middle East itself... There is a Global food shortage that is soon to be made manifest... The countries that are holding the Oil hate us... Islam is rising up around the world and they are spreading Sharia Law... The Muslims are in the streets of Egypt, Libya, Iran, etc. shouting "Death to America" and "Death to Israel"... Libya has just stopped a little bit of the flow of oil and already we're seeing Crude trading at over $102/Barrel today. Gas prices are rising daily. Ours went up .09 cents overnight last night and this morning were at $3.36 per Gallon... BUT we haven't seen anything yet!!! It's just in the very early, beginning stages of what is about to take place.

Saudi Arabia is the largest supplier of Oil to the U.S. If anything happens with Saudi Arabia, experts are saying we could see Oil trading at over $200 / Barrel. The government in Egypt was just overthrown... Libya is now in flames and we have moved Warships into the Mediterranean Sea because of it... Jordan is shaking... Iran is shaking... Yemen is shaking... Oman is shaking... Syria is shaking... Bahrain is shaking... Saudi Arabia is shaking and on March 11th they are preparing for a "DAY OF RAGE"... IRAQ is plummeting into chaos!!!

Now, why does all of that matter? First of all, we must get our heads out of the clouds in America and realize that the vast majority of these people HATE us!!! They don't merely dislike us... They're not merely different from us... They HATE us and want to see our blood running in the streets... They feel that way, because their Koran/Quran commands them to! They are taught that they are to take over the entire world and invoke Islamic Law or Sharia Law throughout every nation and force everyone to submit to Islam or suffer the consequences which is execution! Some of these governments, such as Egypt and Saudi Arabia have not been ruled by strong Islamic Arab Leaders, however now that they are being overthrown, the Islamic Leaders are coming to power and invoking total Sharia Law in those governments... These people have always wanted to bring down the Great Satan, "America" and the Little Satan, "Israel". But they've never had the power, nor means to do it. However, they do now!!! OIL!

We are completely dependent upon them. If they are able to control the Oil in Saudi Arabia and any of these other nations, they can charge us any amount they want to and because we are now Bankrupt, we can't pay the price. This is what they want. Because if they can do this, they will literally bring us to our knees and bring this nation to a grinding halt...

Food prices would sky rocket to the point we couldn't buy them and besides that, the trucks wouldn't be able to freight them due to the fuel prices... We could see fuel prices easily hit $10 or $12 per gallon or more... This would completely cripple the United States of America...

Then we have the border troubles... With our open borders, it will be nothing at that time for our enemies to walk right in and pounce on us... Experts say, and we've already witnessed proofs of this, but they already have terrorists and suicide bombers in this country sitting on ready when the time comes...

Then we haven't even gotten to China yet. China is the nation who right now owns us and China is not our friend either. They too are ruthless. They have been talking about rejecting the American Dollar as the World's Reserve Currency for sometime. This will happen soon as well and when that takes place, all of the money that we now hold in our hands or wallets or banks or wherever, will be as worthless as the garbage in our garbage cans...

The bottom line is this, we don't need to be ignorant when the Handwriting is on the Wall... We don't need to act as if everything will be alright because we're Americans... We also don't need to be deceived and think that this can't happen because we're Christians...

I read the "Voice Of The Martyrs" Magazine publication every month and Christians are suffering and dying continually around the world because of their faith. We are not exempt in America!

We need to PRAY!!! and PRAY some more!!! We need to recognize what's really important in our lives... Faith, Family, Church, Food, Water... And we need to be prepared... I believe that soon, Food and Water are going to the things that people are in need of... People should be preparing now, not out fear, but out of wisdom and good common sense... Joseph, in the Book of Genesis, saw the Famine coming long before it happened and began preparing for the famine by storing food during the good years and when the bad years came, he was able to eat and feed the others as well... Be prepared... Hard Times are coming!!! But while you're preparing, keep looking up, because Jesus is coming too!!! :-)

I'll write more later...

Friday, February 4, 2011

Can You Discern The Signs Of The Times?

Matthew 16:1-3
Then the Pharisees and Sadducees came, and testing Him asked that He would show them a sign from heaven. He answered and said to them, "When it is evening you say, 'It will be fair weather, for the sky is red'; and in the morning, 'It will be foul weather today, for the sky is red and threatening.' Hypocrites! You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times.

Never have the signs of the End-Times been anymore clear than they are today and they're becoming clearer and clearer as the days progress.  I am not alarmed!  I am not afraid!  I am neither discouraged, nor distressed!  My faith in the Lord and the surety of His Holy Word are growing stronger each day. 

As I see the events in our world unfolding, it simply causes me to realize once more just how true and accurate the Bible is.  It also let's me know that time as we know it is very short.  All of these things must come to pass, because God's Word has forewarned that they would.  God is not surprised by any of it and neither should His children be.  For He has already told us in His Word that these things must happen.

I am continually posting different articles, links and events, both on www.facebook.com/pastorrobbie and www.robbiebankens.com, that are taking place in our world which are clearly Signs of the End-Times, because there are many, many who are asleep and apathetic, believing that because we live in the United States of America, things will always go on, just as they always have.  I have Christians who have deleted me and sent me very ugly private messages telling me that as a Pastor, I shouldn't be posting that sort of stuff and that I should be trying to build people's self-esteem and help them believe in themselves.  Well, first of all, no where in scripture do I find where we have been called to build people's "self-esteem" or to help them believe in "themselves".  That's not the Gospel of Jesus Christ, even though many are trying to present it as Gospel.  That's nothing less than New-Age teachings being cloaked in the name of Christianity.  Anyone who teaches that garbage is Christian in name only!  The most elementary, fundamental, basic, entry-level lesson of Christianity is "SELF-DENIAL"!  Oops!  That won't go over real well with many!  Jesus Himself said in Matthew 16:24, "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me."  Self-Denial is still entry-level Christianity, but very few truly believe that anymore.  Also, we've not been called to teach people to "believe in themselves".  The Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 10:8-11, "But what does it say? "The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart" (that is, the word of faith which we preach): that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the Scripture says, "Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame."

Self is not the answer! Self is the problem!  Jesus is the only answer!

Paul also wrote to the Church at Galatia, in Galatians 1:6-10, "I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed. For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ."

I'm not trying to please, nor impress men.  Men gave me not my calling, but God and God alone.  Therefore, I will seek to please God and I will proclaim with boldness and without apology the Truths of His Word, knowing that some will be offended.  The Bible also says that "The Cross is an offense to those who perish."  The message of the Gospel isn't meant to tickle everyone's ear and make them feel good.  It's going to prick the heart at times and it's gonna bring conviction. 

It should also stir our hearts about the hour in which we're now living and the fact that souls are dying lost and without Jesus Christ every moment of everyday.  The world is quickly rolling toward chaos and if ever the Church needed to awaken and once more be the Salt & Light that we've been ordained to be, we need to now.

It's time for men and women of God to again stand up for the righteousness and truth of God's Word and not just some form of Christianity which resembles nothing of the Bible.

The nation's of our world are beginning to collapse...  America is bankrupt, both morally and financially...  Only those who's heads are in the sand believe that America's best days are ahead of her...  Folks, this world is rapidly heading for Tribulation and the Time of Jacob's Trouble, as the Bible calls it.  It's not being negative, faithless or doom and gloom to say that.  I believe what the Bible says and Jesus gave us very clear signs to look for.  The Signs Are EVERYWHERE!!! 

Matthew 16:1-3 was an indictment then and it's an indictment now against all of those who simply refuse to open their eyes and see where we are and what time it is... 

Matthew 16:1-3
Then the Pharisees and Sadducees came, and testing Him asked that He would show them a sign from heaven.  He answered and said to them, "When it is evening you say, 'It will be fair weather, for the sky is red'; and in the morning, 'It will be foul weather today, for the sky is red and threatening.' Hypocrites! You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times.

We can look at the signs in the skies and predict the weather, but many can't look at the signs in the world and proclaim where we are prophetically speaking.

Again, I'm not down!  I'm not discouraged!  I don't feel a sense of doom, nor gloom!  I'm telling you that all these things must take place, according to scripture, but if you know Jesus as your Lord and your Savior, the outlook is getting better and better all the time!   The end of this story is marvelous for the children of God.

But for those who aren't saved! For those who don't truly know the Lord!  For those who are drifting further and further away!  The end of the story is horrible and eternal...

Time is short and we must sound the alarm and raise the alert and point souls to the only hope of Salvation - JESUS CHRIST!  JESUS CHRIST!  JESUS CHRIST!

Self-Esteem is useless when the world is crashing and eternity is approaching...  Believing in yourself will be of absolutely no benefit!  But esteeming the name of Jesus and placing all of your faith, trust and hope in Him without reservation, will guarantee Salvation!

Jesus is still THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life!  He's coming very soon!  Are you ready?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A Pastor's Heart

I received the following writing "A Pastor's Heart" today from a friend of mine on Facebook, Nanci J. Mullett.  It was so true, beautiful and encouraging that I wanted to share it here, so with her permission, here it is.  I pray that it's as great a blessing to you, as it was to me.


"I have a burden, Pastor,
that I'd like to lay on you.
"I listened, tho he never knew
I had a burden too
I took a tearful look toward mine;
Then his came into view.
'Twas plain to see my burden was
The larger of the two
I saw his load alongside mine,
And, tho they both were real,
The yoke he bore was made of wood,
And mine was made of steel
To him I said, "Come unto me;
I'll gladly carry thine";
Then whispered unto selfishness,
"But who will carry mine?"
I softly laid my burden down
To help him his to bear,
While knowing that my heavy load
I'm not allowed to share.
I'll help him with his burden,
then Regain mine after while
When I will sigh and weep once more,
While now I force a smile.
I felt the CHAINS OF BONDAGE till
A CAPTIVE came to me.
He bade me help him break the bands,
And aid him to be free.
I saw the fetters binding him,
And felt a pity pain.
For his were made of little rope,
And mine of heavy chain.
I laid aside my heavy chains,
So he, my help, could borrow.
I'll help free him of bondage now,
And think of mine tomorrow.
A DOUBTER knocked at study door;
I had an urge to groan,
"Why bring your pebble doubt to me,
When mine is made of stone?"
I smiled at him and listened,
while Believing in my doubt.
I laid it down reluctantly,
And feigned about a happy shout.
I sat ALONE in darkened room,
And felt a shadow's knife.
Another came to share with me
Some darkness in his life.
As I compared my night with his,
His dark possessed a lack.
For his was just an evening shade,
While mine was midnight black.
I slowly laid my nighttime down,
To help him seek for light.
I'll tread my dimming path again,
When I have made his bright.
A TROUBLED SOUL came to my door,
A problem to confide.
I had a problem, too, that day;
'Twas hard for me to hide.
My problem was a mountain steep,
And his was just a hill.
My problem was an ocean wide,
And his a tiny nil.
Yet, 'tis my lot to fill his need,
And put mine on the shelf.
For I must lay my heartache down,
And hide it from myself.
He told me of a broken heart,
While mine was breaking too.
I told him of a mending God
Who maketh all things new.
He told me of his thirsty soul;
I gave him living water
.He said he was a broken vase;
I told him of the Potter.
Another came when I was SICK
To say he had the flu.
His fever was a hundred-one,
And mine a hundred-two.
Another came when I was FAINT,
To say that he was weak.
Another came when I was DUMB,
To say he could not speak.
Another WEEPING SEEKER came,
For me, his tears to dry.
I went alone and wiped my eyes,
Then told him not to cry.
Another came when I was TIRED,
To say he needed rest.
I lifted him with weary arms,
And tried to give him zest.
and all have gone,
Each one to his abode.
So I must find my problems, and
Regain my heavy load.
Where is the burden I had borne?
I had it while ago!
Where is the problem I must solve?
I left it here, I know!
Where is the darkness I once knew?
I now see only light.
The chains, the tears, the pains, the fears,
Are nowhere now in sight!
 'I cannot find my broken heart!
Where is my fevered brow?
I have a song! the tears are gone!
I cannot find them now!
My sickness, now, hath turned to health!
And trust replaceth fright!
Assurance covers all my doubts;
My darkness now is light
I heard a voice from Heaven say
"My child, 'tis always true:
When you take care of others' needs,
I will take care of you."

Thursday, December 16, 2010

America The Apostate...

1 John 4:8
He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.

There have been more songs and hymns written about the Love of God than probably any other characteristic of God. People everywhere enjoy talking about the Love of God, as we should. Yet we do very little talking about His judgment. We don’t like thinking about His Wrath and Punishment. Those subjects don’t sell nearly as many books and certainly won’t fill nearly as many pews. But like it or not, the truth remains that this Great God of infinite Love and Mercy as described in the Bible is also infinitely Just and Righteous and therefore He MUST express His Wrath against Sin and Apostasy!

Not only does God deal with the sins of Individuals who have  rejected being washed in the Blood of Christ, but He also punishes and judges the sin and wickedness of Nations. We could walk through the Bible, as well as through our History Books and see the handprint of God’s Wrath and Judgment upon countless Nations of the past who backslid and transgressed Him.

He continually dealt with Israel, His chosen ones, with a heavy hand for their disobedience. Then, of course, one place that stands out so prominently is Sodom and Gomorrah. In the 19th chapter of Genesis we read in graphic detail of their destruction by the wrathful hand of Almighty God because of their willful and unrepentant sin. Then in Ezekiel we read the reasoning that God gives for His judgment upon this ancient land.

Ezekiel 16:49 – 50: “Behold, this was the guilt of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters had arrogance, abundant food and careless ease, but she did not help the poor and needy. Thus they were haughty and committed abominations before Me. Therefore I removed them when I saw it.”

We know from the Word of God, that homosexuality was not the only Abomination for which God judged Sodom, but it was the final straw and God in essence said, “NO MORE!” and destroyed them by Fire! We also read the accounts of Egypt and Nineveh and so many more, but what about America???

Proverbs 14:34
"Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a reproach to any people. The king's favor is toward a wise servant, But his wrath is against him who causes shame."

America has become a nation filled with vile wickedness, sin and immorality on a scale that is nearly incomprehensible. And because we were founded upon Christian Principles; And because we exalted Almighty God; And because we were a Nation shining brightly with the Righteousness of God, we have now shamed Him through our rebellion and apostasy. America has made a cataclysmic slide into utter moral decay.

Immorality and Perversion are just the everyday norm in the USA today and we’ve learned to live with it and accept it. It’s on Television, Movies, Grocery Store Newsstands and sad to say, but even in many churches across our land.

We see the widespread acceptance of homosexuality, even among some who claim to be Christian. As recently as the 1970’s, The American Psychiatric Association, still had homosexuality listed as a Mental Disorder. Psychiatry may have changed, but the Bible still calls it an Abomination. Homosexual Marriage is now becoming a reality in America! And I am not a Gay-Basher nor a Gay-Hater! And I recognize that it will take the same precious Blood of Jesus to save a Homosexual as it took to save me! But our nation is now endorsing and promoting this perverted sin and when a nation endorses and promotes sin and abominations and abandons God, rest assured ~ Judgment and Wrath are looming over that land!

Abortion is now promoted by our Federal & State Governments. We are spending millions of tax payer dollars to fund abortions in third world countries. Just today alone, while we went about our regular routine, an estimated 4,000 unborn babies were murdered in the name of their idol god ~ CHOICE. We have lived much of our lives out while more than 50 Million unborn American Citizens have been slaughtered in their mother’s womb since 1973’s Roe VS. Wade Decision.

Psalms 106:35-43
They mingled with the Gentiles And learned their works;
They served their idols which became a snare to them.
They even sacrificed their sons And their daughters to demons,
And shed innocent blood, The blood of their sons and daughters,
Whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan;
And the land was polluted with blood.
Thus they were defiled by their own works, And played the harlot by their own deeds.
Therefore the wrath of the Lord was kindled against His people,
So that He abhorred His own inheritance.
And He gave them into the hand of the Gentiles, and those who hated them ruled over them.
Their enemies also oppressed them, And they were brought into subjection under their hand.
Many times He delivered them; But they rebelled in their counsel, And were brought low for their iniquity.

Proverbs 6:16-19
These six things the Lord hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him:
A proud look, A lying tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood,
A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil,
A false witness who speaks lies, And one who sows discord among brethren.

These scriptures describe the USA today and according to the Word of God, America has become an Abomination and He hates these things!

Today, Porn is the Norm. Since the birth of the internet, Pornography has exploded and become a $10 - $12 BILLION Dollar a Year Industry in the U.S. alone. Child molestation has sky rocketed. Sexual Perversion of every kind is now just winked at because we have become completely desensitized to the point that it’s no longer even shameful to many.

We now have an epidemic of Drug Abuse and Alcoholism. The war on Drugs has been lost by our Federal Government and both the financial and human costs of addiction are too great to even attempt to calculate, as well as the consequences thereof.

Sexual Immorality has exploded and so have STD’s. It is estimated by the CDC that 26 percent of American Girls between 14 and 19, have at least 1 Sexually Transmitted Disease.
Just recently, a story broke on national news that a Massachusetts School had decided to make condoms available to Elementary School Children, even as low as the 1st Grade. Can you imagine? That is a sick, perverted and demonically twisted mind! These perverted freaks ought to be locked up and never unleashed upon society again! They want to give innocent little 6 year old children Condoms! Yet these same lunatics say, “Don’t give them the Ten Commandments ~ (1. Thou Shalt Not Kill; 2. Thou Shalt Not Steal; 3. Thou Shalt Not Lie; 4. Thou Shalt Not COMMIT ADULTERY; etc.) That might give them brain damage or offend someone.” Instead, just hand them a condom at 6 years old! They can’t even write in cursive yet!

We are teaching this generation, just as we’ve been doing for several generations now, that casual sex is okay. I don’t care what the CDC says! I don’t care what Congress or the Whitehouse may say! I don’t care what Hollywood says! I don’t care what the Education Department or any School says! There is only 1 form of Sex that is permitted under God’s Holy Ordinance! It is not PRE-MARITAL! It is not EXTRA-MARITAL! It is not HOMOSEXUAL! But even in the year 2010, sex is still only permissible between a husband and his wife! PERIOD!

We need to teach that to our children and grandchildren! We need to once again begin teaching them right from wrong! Stop depending on the schools! Stop depending on the government! Stop depending on Dr. Phil and Oprah! They have one agenda for your child, and that is to fill their mind with a Progressive, Anti-Christian Worldview and Mindset, but the responsibility to raise these children correctly belongs to their parents!

We have watched as the God Ordained Family Unit and the sanctity of Marriage has unraveled and been made a mockery of. The U.S. now has the World’s highest Divorce Rate. It’s twice what it was in 1960. And of course, you can trace our Moral Decline all the way back to the moment that we took Prayer out of the public schools. It has Devastated Morality in America. 50% of all marriages will end in divorce. Each time that I officiate a wedding ceremony for some “happy couple”, I pray earnestly for their survival, as I realize that statistics only give them a 50% chance of surviving. And while Marriage rates are declining, Cohabitation rates AKA “Shaking Up” is rising. Again, regardless of what anyone says or how common it may become, Fornication or pre-marital sex is still SIN!

The Out Of Wedlock Birth Rate is astronomical as well. And I’m certainly not down on Single Parents. As a matter of fact, my heart is filled with compassion for them, because they’ve got an extra heavy burden to bear, but the fact remains this. The reason for many of the single parent situations in America is because we’ve got a serious problem. In 1948, only 3.8 percent of births were by unmarried women. By 1960, it had risen only slightly to 5 percent. But now, Out Of Wedlock Births account for 40% of all babies born in the United States. Yet, we’re not alarmed by it, because it’s just become the Cultural Norm.

America is hemorrhaging from within and we are infected with immorality and sin and evil and I’m afraid that we’re in the last stages of this killer disease as a Free-Society. That breaks my heart, because I love America.

We read and hear accounts of God’s Judgment and Wrath upon other nations for their sin and wickedness. History gives vivid detail of what happened to other great nations who walked the same path that America is now on. Yet, I still hear Americans, both Christian and Non-Christian alike, saying say things like, “That won’t happen here, this is America!” or “You’re just fear-mongering, God is a God of Love and Grace and He would never do that to us.

The question asked by many today is, “Will God Judge America?” Yet it appears to me that the beginning of His Judgment is already upon us and many are still in denial!

The Bible says that God is Longsuffering and we know that He has blessed America with extraordinary benefits, including political and religious freedom and economic blessing matched by no other. But we, as a nation, have squandered it… Taken it for granted… And rebelled against our Holy and Righteous God…

And so the question to be asked, is really not, “Will God judge America?” But rather, “Why has He spared us from Judgment for so long?”

ROMANS 1:18 – 32

Rom 1:18-32

18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, 21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man — and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.
24 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, 25 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
26 For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. 27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; 29 being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, 30 backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; 32 who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.

Three times in this passage of scripture do we see the terms, “God Gave Them Up” or “God Gave Them Over”. That term is translated from the same Greek Word, “Paradidomi” which is used in 2 Peter 2:4 where it says, “For if God did not spare the angels who sinned, but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved for judgment;”

This doesn’t mean that God just passively removes His hand of protection and allows them to go their own self-willed way, but the implication is much more deliberate than that. It is an act of Judicial Judgment, where God Himself SENDS them to their Punishment!

Remember, God is long-suffering and He don’t just instantly zap us every time we have a rebellious attitude or fall into some sort of moral failure and sin, else we’d all be doomed. But there is a point, in which an individual or a people or a nation through continued, intentional transgression and willful rebellion, can cross a line with God and burst headlong through His Long-Suffering Patience! And at that point, He will not simply remove His hand, but He will actively hand them over to their own sinful desires and the consequences thereof!

I am sad to say, but Romans 1:18 - 32 is a very real depiction of the State of our Union today.

But, not only are we being plagued with complete Moral Failure… And not only are we seeing violence becoming more and more rampant… And not only are we witnessing the implosion of our Economic Systems… And not only are we seeing more and more horrific things happening on our homeland from natural disasters to Islamic Terrorism to Homegrown Terrorism to the Border Crisis, Illegal Immigration and Mexican Drug Cartels to the rising threat of Nuclear War with North Korea, Iran and even Russia… The bottom line: America Has Turned Her Back On God and Walked In Her Own Way For Far Too Long And We Are On The Verge Of Bringing About Our Own Demise And Destruction…

If there were ever a time to draw close to the Lord Jesus Christ and get your heart, life and home in order, it’s now time. We need God both personally and nationally. Jesus Christ is still the answer that we need and thank God His Word has not left us without remedy. It’s the same as it’s always been…

2nd CHRONICLES 7:14, “If my people which are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, THEN will I hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Friend, God changes not! Therefore, this is a promise which still holds true, even today. Let us each put this scripture into practice and continue doing so and begin praying for a genuine Revival  of the Holy Spirit to sweep across this nation one more time. With God, all things are possible!

Just Thinkin’ Out Loud,
Pastor Robbie

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thankful For Grace To Serve...

I have so very much to be thankful for.  As I reflect upon where God has brought me from and where He's brought me to, I recognize that it's all a work of His Amazing Grace.  One of my favorite studies in the Word of God, concerns His Grace.

We often refer to His Grace in only elementary terms – “The Unmerited Favor Of God” or "The Unearned Goodness Of God".  By no means do I disagree with that, as I use that definition quite often myself, as we are usually focusing on salvation when we speak of Grace.  However, Grace is far more than merely a Saving Agent.

We often think of just the Redemptive Properties of  God's Grace, but Grace goes beyond this point of conversion.  Grace also has Enabling or Empowering Properties as well.

Grace is what enables me to preach and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  I have several physical afflictions and disease, some of which you are not even aware, which cause me a lot of pain and there are many days that my physical body, because of pain, is really not up to preaching and ministering, but Grace enables me to do it in spite of adversity.

I am by nature a rather shy sort of person.  Most people have a hard time believing that, but when I was a few years younger, I would not have been able to stand in front of  a church and speak.  Sing? Perhaps yes, but speak?  Absolutely not, because I would have been too nervous and shy, but the Holy Spirit, as a work of His Grace has enabled me and empowered me to do what God has called me to do, even though by nature I would not normally do what I do.

And the prayer for our lives, should be, “Lord, grant me the Empowering Grace to fulfill every purpose in my life in which you have ordained for , that through my own strength and power, I would be helpless and unable to do otherwise.

Grace is much more than just forgiveness and mercy, but it is also the supernatural means by which God empowers you and I to do things that we could not otherwise do of ourselves.
It takes Grace to be a good Pastor…
It takes Grace to be a good Teacher…
It takes Grace to be a good Wife, Mother, Husband or Father…

God grants you specific Grace for the specific task that He knows you must face.  Not everyone has been given the same Grace that you’ve been given, because not everyone will need the same grace that you’ll need.  Not everyone is going to go through the same things that you’ll go through.  Not everyone is going to have to deal with the same problems that you have.  Some people have been given the Grace to raise a disabled child.  Not everyone has been enabled to do that.  That’s a special Grace for a special task.  And each one of us have different callings and different tasks in our lives and God gives each of us the Grace to deal with whatever has come into our lives to deal with.

The Grace that you’ve been given for your life, is perhaps somewhat different than what He’s given to me, that’s one reason that we can’t compare ourselves to one another.

When you see someone dealing with a particular situation differently than you would, don’t tell them, “I wouldn’t be doing it that way!”, because you don’t know what God’s plan is in their life and God may be wanting them to deal with something differently than you would deal with it and if so, then God has given them the Grace to do it a certain way and you don’t understand because you’ve not had that same empowering Grace for that particular situation!

You may see someone else in another bad situation and say, “Well, I wouldn’t put up with that!”…  And the reality is, you probably wouldn’t put up with that, because you haven’t been given the Grace for that particular situation, but had God ordained you to step into that particular situation, then He would have given you the Grace for it, but He hasn’t, so don’t judge those who are there, by telling them how you’d do it!

I love to study the book of Romans where Paul really deals with our sin problem and the answer for it, because in that book, he really takes the burden off of my human will power and lays it on the Enabling Power of God’s Grace.

In the 7th Chapter of Romans, Paul in essence says, “When I want to do good, evil is right there with me…  I do not understand what I do.  For what I want to do, I do not do, but what I hate, I do. I know nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature!  O Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death!?”

He’s basically saying, “I know that my redeemer must come from outside of me, because I lack the power within MYSELF to save MYSELF from MYSELF!”

Now the New-Agers and the Humanists and the Oprah Winfrey’s and the Shirley McClain’s and many Word of Faith Preachers among others will tell you differently.  They’ll tell you that you are basically a little god yourself and you have the power deep within you to redeem yourself and to fix yourself… THAT’S PSYCHO MUMBO JUMBO GARGAGE!

Acts 4:12
Neither is there salvation in any other! For there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved."


And somewhere along the way you must come to a place to where you have given up on yourself delivering yourself or helping yourself, by yourself, so that you can experience the power of God’s Grace to enable you to do what you could not do alone.  It’s the Grace of God that enables you to do things that you’re not able to do in your own strength.

For some of you, myself included, It was the Grace of God that enabled you to stop smoking!  It’s the Grace of God that took the craving for alcohol from some of your lives!  Not everybody needs the specific Grace that it takes to be delivered from Alcoholism, so they can’t relate to what I’m talking about, but if you’ve been delivered from the bottle yourself, then you know that it was something that you were not able to do on your own, but God’s Grace enabled you to do what you couldn’t simply do by human will power alone!

When you see somebody who’s bound by drugs or any sort of addiction and they’re able to lay that stronghold down and live a life free from the daily struggle of that bondage, you must understand and realize that what you’re seeing is nothing less than a divine picture of God’s Marvelous Grace in action.  Because it’s Grace that enables and empowers you to be able to do those things!

A number of years ago, after God had delivered me from drug addiction, I was told by a neurologist and a psychiatrist both that I would always have trouble speaking and gathering my thoughts together and communicating with people, due to the amount of damage that my brain had suffered following the massive overdose that I had and I recognize this morning, that I am not the greatest preacher or teacher, but God had a divine calling upon my life to do what I do and He enables me to fulfill that calling and His Grace defies the prognosis of those physicians who told me that I’d never be able to do it.

If anything ever comes across my two lips that helps you in anyway, shape or form, don’t you dare give me the slightest glory, but you give God all of the praise, because it’s only by His Enabling Grace that I am able to even convey a thought and preach and teach His Holy Word.

Whatever God calls you to…  And whatever God gifts you with…  He will also grant you the Grace to properly fulfill it and carry it out…  He will grant you the Grace to properly handle every gift that He’s entrusted to you.

Trust Him and recognize that if God be for you, who can be against you!  His Grace will be sufficient for you always!

Whatever station you may find yourself in during this Thanksgiving Season, give God the praise and thanksgiving for the enabling Grace that He's placed in your life!  Happy Thanksgiving!

Just Thinkin' Out Loud
Pastor Robbie